Most Android application resources are stored under the /res subdirectory of the
project. The following subdirectories are also available:
. /drawable-ldpi, /drawable-hdpi, /drawable-mdpi—These subdirectories
store graphics and drawable resource files for different screen densities and
resolutions. If you browse through these directories using the Eclipse Project
Explorer, you will find the icon.png graphics file in each one; this is your
application’s icon. You’ll learn more about the difference between these directories
in Hour 20, “Developing for Different Devices.”
. /layout—This subdirectory stores user interface layout files. Within this subdirectory
you will find the main.xml screen layout file that defines the user
interface for the default activity.
. /values—This subdirectory organizes the various types of resources, such as
text strings, color values, and other primitive types. Here you find the
strings.xml resource file, which contains all the resource strings used by the
If you double-click on any of resource files, the resource editor will launch.
Remember, you can always edit the XML directly.
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