The Android manifest file, named AndroidManifest.xml, is an XML file that must be included at the top level of any Android project. The Android system uses the information in this file to do the following:
You can edit the Android manifest file by using the Eclipse manifest file resource
editor or by manually editing the XML.
The Eclipse manifest file resource editor organizes the manifest information into
categories presented on five tabs:
- Install and upgrade the application package
- Display application details to users
- Launch application activities
- Manage application permissions
Handle a number of other advanced application configurations, including acting
as a service provider or content provider.
You can edit the Android manifest file by using the Eclipse manifest file resource
editor or by manually editing the XML.
The Eclipse manifest file resource editor organizes the manifest information into
categories presented on five tabs:
- Manifest
- Application
- Permissions
- Instrumentation
- AndroidManifest.xml